Godmonster Of Indian FlatsGENRE: ActionCOUNTRY: United StatesLANGUAGE: EnglishRELEASE: 1973RATE: 3.9 Godmonster Of Indian Flats Action | United States | English Share Share A mutant sheep is on the move near a ranch in the American West.STARS: Christopher Brooks,Stuart Lancaster,E. Kerrigan PrescottDIRECTOR: Fredric HobbsQUALITY: TVDURATION: 89 minVIEWS: 1380IMDB RATE: 3.9Related Movies Killer Elite 2011 Avatar: The Way of Water Watch Top Gun Maverick The Score Flight 93 Lucy Legionnaire Death Wish 5: The Crackdown Death Wish 4: The Crackdown