Linkedfilm is one of the best free movie websites, you can watch movies free online, best movies, best movies to watch. You are free to watch most of the movies with no sign up required
Although you can use linkedfilm without sign up, if you want to use our premium category membership you have to sign up, and that will allow you have more options and more fun
Linkedfilm is a streaming service that combines watching movies and social media together. On Linkedfilm you can watch your favorite movies for free, share them with your connections on Linkedfilm or any other social media platform.
Our Mission
We are offering Movies from different countries and cultures. We believe that movies and cinema are the best ways to connect the world together and help us to understand the others.
All Movies here are from legal sources or under the public domain license. None of the content is hosted on this site.
All media is embedded from YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, SnageFilms or Archive.org. All issues concerning possible copyright violations should be aimed at the sites hosting the material.
If you think that any published movie is protected by copyright law, please inform us and we will remove it.