Bathing FrankyGENRE: ComedyCOUNTRY: AustraliaLANGUAGE: EnglishRELEASE: 2012RATE: 7.3 Bathing Franky Comedy | Australia | English Share Share When an ex-con falls under the spell of a backyard magician, the illusion is shattered.STARS: Henri Szeps,Maria Venuti,Shaun GossDIRECTOR: Owen ElliottQUALITY: HDDURATION: 86 minVIEWS: 2309IMDB RATE: 7.3Related Movies How To Train Your Husband No Regrets Click Mr Bean at the Dentist The Fearless Hyena الازواج الشياطين Dark Star Amos and Andrew Bringing Up Baby